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Today I’m a Runner

In Uncategorized on November 21, 2009 at 5:07 pm

I had a great time today running a 5K race for charity. I’ve been training since the end of September and hoping to get hooked on racing. I’ve never been a runner, but always wanted to be. In fact, when I ran track in junior high, I was the one who ran anchor on the 4×4 relay team. Sounds good, right? Not so much. Because of the 3 relays teams we had, we were #3. And as the last event of the track meet, that meant I was the lone runner on the backstretch of the track with 200 yards left go when all my friends were packing up their gym bags. (Thanks, Mom for staying the stands to cheer for me!)

Last January, however, a small group of us began running for recreation. We came to the group with all kinds of backgrounds – walkers, runners and marathon-hopefuls. Our goal then was to run together in a 5K race in March. Several of us did it and I was hooked! My goal was to run the entire way without walking and wanted to finish under 40 minutes. Well, I finished in 00:41:51 but DID run the entire distance.

That said, the Texas summer rolled around and by mid-June, my Adidas were not hitting the pavement anymore. I’d pretty much abandoned the running “thing” altogether. But when a new group of people at work started up again this fall, I couldn’t resist. I joined them about 3 weeks into their training. I consistently ran twice a week with the group and ran on my own every weekend. I set my sights on a 5K in November.

After a brief falter with troublesome shin splints, I was ready. And today was the day. I had 3 goals:
1. Beat my Personal Record: 00:41:51
2. Finish under 00:38:00
3. Finish RUNNING strong

I was able to accomplish them all and I’m very proud of my progress. Not only did I come in under my goal time, I shaved 6 minutes off my PR with a time of 00:35:50.9! Having my family at the finish line made it all that much more spectacular!

OK, enough rambling, boasting and patting myself on the back. I guess I’m still jazzed about the adrenaline rush. Thanks to everyone who has supported me, trained with me and encouraged me along the way. I can’t wait for my next race! Will you join me?