Posts Tagged ‘Mazda5’

Today I’m a Storyteller

In Uncategorized on July 29, 2009 at 10:58 pm

Just five days ago I became the proud owner of a new Mazda5. Today I needed gas, but was surprised to discover that I was utterly and completely unable to unscrew the gas cap.

After a number of failed attempts, I asked the woman at the next pump — her name was Sarah — if she had any suggestions. As we both tried to loosen the cap, it suddenly broke off in her hand.

To recap: I desperately needed gas, the gas cap on my brand new car just broke off and I still couldn’t fill up.

Fortunately, I found another customer willing to help out. But when the Toolman’s vise grips failed to turn it loose, he pulled out a hammer. A HAMMER!? It was silly to doubt him, because a moment later he freed the gas plug with a single blow.

Thanks to my Good Samaritans — Sarah and the Toolman — I was able to fill up and get on with my evening. Tomorrow I’ll be calling the dealer to replace my broken gas cap.

Today I’m a Car Shopper

In Uncategorized on July 23, 2009 at 10:18 pm

I’ve never been one to dicker with a car dealer. Not my thing. That’s why, when I discovered my leasing agent, I never turned back. Finding a new car is a whole new ballgame for me.

I begin my search online then take time to drive the contenders. This time around I visited a number of dealers including, Mazda, Chevy, Honda and Jeep.  I go. I drive. I get out. Once I’ve made my choice (or choices), I make the phone call.

That’s where I am today. I made the phone call and had my agent run the numbers. The result? Well, he found my first choice (a black Mazda5 with tan leather interior) and provided me the best deal to consider. He did his part. Now the ball’s in my court. Is it the right choice? The right price? The right car? I’ll likely make a decision over the next few days. Stay tuned!