Posts Tagged ‘Texan’

Here’s to Day 1

In Uncategorized on July 14, 2009 at 3:03 pm

If you stumbled upon this blog, I hope you’ll tag it and come back occasionally. If you were invited, thanks for stopping in to read and/or comment on these pages.

As an online marketing professional, I value the freedom we’ve all gained in this grand world of self-publication. And although I read blogs, I’ve never braved the terrain of creating or contributing to this fantastic genre of self-expression.

One note about the content you’ll find here: it’s likely to be all over the place. Why? Because that’s what I know. I’m a wife, mother, writer, marketer, TV junkie, movie-lover and Midwesterner-turned-Texan. Like lots of others out there, I have many roles and wear So Many Hats.

I hope you find something you can relate to. Something that makes you laugh. That reminds you of the past. That encourages you to try new things. Or maybe you’ll even find something that incites you to comment.  Either way, thanks for spending time with me today.