Posts Tagged ‘cooking’

Today I’m a Cook

In Uncategorized on August 29, 2009 at 11:06 pm

Well, I tried.

I’ve never pretended to like cooking, baking or any kind of culinary activities. Not slow-cooker meals. Not banana bread. Nope, not even Christmas cookies. But every once in a while, I have the opportunity to bring something to a social event and want to try it.  Today was that day.

I volunteered to bring a dessert and decided to break out a recipe I got from a friend years ago. It’s a Caramel Apple Walnut Crisp. I know! Sounds delicious, right? I’ve made this before and eaten it many times, so I go into this knowing it will be worth it.

After an hour and a half of standing on my feet, making a huge mess in the kitchen and praying this turned out right the first time, my excitement for making something from scratch had seriously taken a nose dive. I had to warn the family to stay out of the kitchen unless they wanted to hear a lot of sailor talk. Ok, it wasn’t really THAT bad, but it wasn’t fun. The dessert came out just as I had remembered. And my husband was very pleased when I brought some home from the event.

I learned you need three things if you want to enjoy cooking/baking: patience, confidence and a basic understanding of 8th-grade home economics. Sadly, I do not possess any of these. But the experience does reaffirm my decision to stay out of the kitchen unless dinner’s ready. Hats off to all of you who DO enjoy your time in the kitchen. Especially, my husband.