Posts Tagged ‘piano’

Today I’m a Homebody

In Uncategorized on July 26, 2009 at 8:14 pm

After a fabulous evening out with my husband last night, I stayed pretty close to home all day. Thanks to our neighbor for taking in our kids for the evening, we were able to go out and be “grown-ups” at a cocktail party in honor of my cousin and his bride-to-be. If the wedding is half as nice as this evening out, I can’t wait for October! Best wishes you two!

As for today, it started with my “meowing alarm clock” (aka: my 16-year-old cat) just after 8 am. Made it to church, treated ourselves to donuts and a sausage roll, then headed home for a little of this and a whole lot of that.

Actually, it’s been a nice day around the house. Washed, dried and folded a lot of laundry, watched a movie and little golf, tried a catnap with my daughter, restocked the fridge/pantry after hubby got home with groceries, visited with my parents and helped my son with piano lessons. All in all, a pretty great day.