Posts Tagged ‘Night at the Museum’

Today I’m a movie critic

In Uncategorized on July 19, 2009 at 4:09 pm

Any time I can watch movies is a good time. In general, I’m pretty easy to please. Although there are several I would not want to see again, I have never walked out on a movie. I was able to watch three movies this weekend: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Dead Calm and Night at the Museum. All three were new to me, but only HP was seen on the big screen.

My thoughts in a nutshell:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: Great entertainment, not as good as the book, super stage for the beginning of the end. For more, see my previous post.

Dead Calm: Eerily convincing performance by Billy Zane (perfect for the part). Too hard to believe John and Rae (Sam Neill and Nicole Kidman) couldn’t have ended it sooner. Very focused, two-pronged storytelling. Great psychological, strategic game play. I loved the suspense.

Night at the Museum: (Not the recent sequel, but the original) Honestly, the beginning of the movie stressed me out! Perhaps it’s the ESFJ in me, but why didn’t Larry (Ben Stiller) read the list sooner! Outside of that, I liked the historical entertainment, humor was fun and appropriate, plus it’s a great concept to think that history comes alive.