Posts Tagged ‘RAGBRAI’

Today I’m an Iowan

In Uncategorized on July 21, 2009 at 9:43 pm

I’ve lived in Texas for nearly 10 years now and it’s quite likely I’ll continue to live here for many more to come. However, I will always be an Iowan. I spent what I would consider my formative years (birth to 30) growing up in Iowa. I wear this hat today because I am thinking of the thousands of people cycling across the state this week on RAGBRAI.

For those not familiar with this grand Iowa tradition, RAGBRAI is the Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. And according to the official website, this yearly event is “the longest, largest and oldest touring bicycle ride in the world.”

Although I’ve never endured the challenge of this seven-day trek, I remember going to host towns as a kid to greet the riders as they rolled into town to find a place to pitch their tents for the night. I know many classmates, friends and family members who have dipped their tires in both the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers on this great ride. And one day, perhaps I will too. But for now, I’ll just reminisce, read the blogs, follow the tweets and take pride in being an Iowan.