Posts Tagged ‘Mary Travers’

Today I’m a Shower Singer

In Uncategorized on September 17, 2009 at 1:56 pm

I doubt many would take me for a shower singer, but occasionally I do find myself slipping into song. This morning, it was like a Best of Peter, Paul and Mary album. Last night I read about Mary Travers and how she lost her battle with leukemia. Undoubtedly that influenced my playlist today.

Now, I wasn’t around during the height of their success in the 60s, but I’m no stranger to their music. I found myself belting out refrains of “If I Had a Hammer” and trying to do three-part harmony in my head for a reasonable rendition of “Lemon Tree.” Memories of camp songs, like “Weave Me the Sunshine,” took over my usual mental to-do list. And I even caught myself grooving to “I Dig Rock n Roll Music” while brushing my teeth.

So, yes, I’m a bit of a fan. And, yes, I’m a shower singer. One parting thought: Why do you suppose this came over me upon Mary’s death, and not that of Michael Jackson??!

Although Mary will be missed, her music lives on.